Average life expectancy in United Kingdom

28 December 2023
Average life expectancy in United Kingdom

The Average life expectancy in UK (United Kingdom) has increased by nearly three years since

The UK has the highest life expectancy in Europe

In 2016, the UK had an average life expectancy of 80.8 years. This was up from 78.9 years in 2010. The UK also had the highest life expectancy in Western Europe at 81.1 years.
The UK has one of the longest life expectancies in the world. This is due to many factors, such as better healthcare and nutrition. However, there are some countries that have higher life expectancies than the UK. For example, Iceland has an average life expectancy of 83.2 years.

Men have a higher average life expectancy than women

Women live longer than men in every country in the world except Japan. However, the gap between the sexes has been closing since 1990. In 2015, the difference in life expectancy between men and women was just 1.3 years.
The main reason why women live longer than men is because they tend to be healthier throughout their lives. For example, women are less likely to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol excessively, and suffer from obesity. Additionally, women are more likely to take care of themselves physically and mentally. As a result, they are able to avoid diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

People aged 65 or over live longer than those under 65

Men tend to die younger than women, with an average age at death of 77.5 compared to 81.8 for women. This means that more people will reach old age as the population ages.
The UK has one of the highest life expectancies in Europe, with men living on average until they are 79.3 years old and women until 82.4. However, there are some differences between genders. Women tend to live longer than men, with an average age of death of 81.8 compared to 77.5 for men.

The most common cause of death in the UK is heart disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United Kingdom, accounting for 31% of deaths in 2016. It was responsible for 1.1 million deaths in 2015, making it the biggest killer in the country. In fact, heart disease kills more people than any other condition, including cancer, accidents, and suicide.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the second leading cause worldwide of death after cardiovascular diseases. More than 8.8 million new cases were diagnosed in 2012, with nearly 9 million deaths occurring globally. However, there has been an improvement in survival rates since 1990, when 5-year survival rates were only 42%. See more topics at Voice of London

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